The king of stones, the diamond, is the jeweller’s favourite. It is the hardest natural material and has exceptional light scattering and reflection properties. People didn’t believe they could produce diamonds just a few years ago. However, cutting-edge technology is transforming the market for lab-grown diamonds. Many people favour synthetic diamonds and consider them the most excellent option. But why is that? Why is choosing lab diamonds over natural diamonds the best option? Here is the reason behind this.
It’s Like Peas in a Pod
Manufactured diamonds and natural diamonds are indistinguishable to the naked eye. Synthetic diamonds are made from the same ingredients as natural diamonds and are subjected to chemical, physical, and optical conditions. Diamonds have the same appearance as other gemstones, making them ideal for jewellery.
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Natural diamonds are more expensive owing to their rarity, whereas lab diamonds are less expensive. It is because man-made diamonds can be easily made using high-end technology. Choosing these man-made diamonds might save you from 10% to 30% of your money. On the other hand, choosing lab diamonds allows you to choose bigger diamonds to meet your budget.
Mined diamonds are likewise attractive, but they have a major environmental effect, emitting nearly 125 pounds of carbon every carat. To get them out of the depths of the ground, they’ll require massive machinery and explosives. Furthermore, mining natural diamonds uses a lot of fossil fuels. The diamond mining business has sparked much debate and disagreement over the years about child labour methods and human rights violations. On the other hand, synthetic diamonds are made by experienced professionals in the laboratory. It is also wholly ethical and does not create any damage to the environment.
Improved Purity and Quality
unlike mined stones, lab diamonds are highly purer since they do not contain any dirt or contaminants. Synthetic diamonds are higher in quality than 97% of mined diamonds. Manufactured diamonds are also created under strict guidelines, resulting in fewer flaws and traces of stress in their crystal structures. The purity enhancement of the laboratory diamond makes it brighter and whiter. The majority of artificial diamonds have a better purity than their natural diamonds.
Easily Trackable
Most diamond specialists prefer to be aware of the journey of their stone from its roots to its acquisition. But as 6 billion carats of diamonds have been extracted from the Earth over the last few centuries, it is not impossible to determine the exact origin of every single mined diamond. At the same time, you can quickly identify the source of the synthetic diamonds as they are made in laboratories. And also, unlike natural diamonds, synthetic diamonds have a clean history and a guaranteed, trackable source.
Easy Colored Diamonds
The plain white diamonds are out of fashion, and many jewellery lovers are willing to add some additional features to their rings, necklaces, and other jewels. And coloured diamonds are the perfect way to add a unique twist to a classic jewel. But it’s very rare to find coloured diamonds in nature which makes them costly and challenging to afford. Whereas when you shop for lab diamonds, you can quickly get coloured diamonds t a lower price.
This article would have made it very clear why lab-grown diamonds are a superior alternative. So to make the best use of these benefits, pick manufactured diamonds over natural diamonds.